the company
The Canopy Crew is dedicated to life in the trees. We offer one of a kind treehouse rentals in The Red River Gorge, Kentucky; and we have a tree service in Cincinnati, Ohio. We are a team of arborists, climbers, carpenters, and designers. We take the wood we salvage from our tree service and mill it into usable lumber to build our treehouses. Our treehouse ideas are born out of real life experience from living in the trees (It's hard not to think of additions when we're sitting on the front porch 50 ft up). Each treehouse is a unique design that offers a new way to live in the forest. We spend a ton of time and energy finding the newest, most sustainable building techniques that put as little stress on the surrounding environment as possible. Our company mission is to get to know the trees in our lives, care for them, and share their canopies with you.

the man
I moved to the Red River Gorge when I was nineteen to pursue rock climbing. I was apprenticing with a timber frame cabin builder and ended up building a tree house forty-five feet up that I lived in for three years. Life was simple, and I was content. As I lived there I saw how my tree house inspired people. It reminded my friends to not let their dreams be dreams. I realized that I needed to share the canopy experience, with everyone, and at this time I decided to start The Canopy Crew. Since that day I have been dedicated to life in the trees. Hopefully, you will get to experience a bit of what the trees around us have to offer.

The Canopy Crew has decided that with every job we receive, we'll donate 10 trees and have them planted with our partner farmers in forest gardens throughout Africa. Together, we will support the planting of fast-growing soil rebuilding trees, fruit trees that diversify incomes and nutrition, and trees that can provide forage and fuel-wood. Most importantly, they promote the long-term health of land, families, and communities - breaking the cycle of generational poverty, and leaving a legacy of hope for the future.